Ep. 091 - HR Analytics and the Power of Predictive Models - Keith Goode
Keith Goode, Vice President of Client Services at ZeroedIn, talks about HR Analytics and the Power of Predictive Models. Host: Marie-Line Germain, Ph.D. Mixing: Kelly MinnisAlso watch
Ep. 105 - Using technology to deliver coaching - Rahshea Cardiff
Rahshea Cardiff is Vice President of Partnerships at Happy Companies. She has ov -
Ep. 104 - Maintaining trust and connection with remote employees - Amy Bouque
Amy Bouque is Chief People Officer for Kelly, a global leader in providing strat -
Ep. 103 - Massive ROI about Bragging About Yourself - Tiffany Houser
Tiffany Houser is an Executive Coach, Leadership Development Facilitator & Train -
Ep. 102 - Employee Incentives are Manipulators - Dr. Roger Gerard
Dr. Roger Gerard is the owner of Sloan & Gerard Consulting, a private consulting
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